Application-level SAP data replication

Application-level SAP data replication

Feel free to contact us so we can help you select the best tool for your use-cases.

Real-time Application level replication

  • BW Extractors/CDSViews support
  • accessible via ODP/SAPI
  • supports incremental data ingestion


  • low-level to high-level data models
  • provides business and application logic
  • the SAP Runtime license is sufficient
  • lower cost of data ingestion, postprocessing, and storage for high-level data (fewer tables and pipelines needed)


  • not suitable for (near) real-time data ingestion
    • some legacy BW Extractors might be slow
    • once-per-hour data update should be ok for most of the BW Extractors if the data size isn’t really huge
  • creates a higher load on the primary SAP system
Feel free to contact us so we can help you select the best tool for your use-cases.

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